
A visual novel engine.

Latest version: Kawaii Snowflakes Alpha (💗.
EPL License Codacy Rank Codeship Status for moemoesoft/kawaii Fork me on GitHub.

What is it?

Kawaii.js is an open-source, free to use visual novel engine. It uses Kawaii Acts Scripting Language (.ka) to render visual novels in browser window using HTML.

Where does it run?

Firefox 51 Beta and higher
Chrome 58 and higher
Internet Explorer 11
Microsoft Edge 15 and higher
Apache Cordova
Not yet, but we're working on it.

All logos are proprty of their original owners.

Why DOM instead of <canvas>?

HTML allows CSS styling without complicated JS algorithms, making styling the engine fast and easy.

Where can I see an example?

Right here.

How do I start?

First, read the docs. Then, download a release and host it yourself or <script src="kawaii.js.org/cdn/Kawaii.min.dist.js" ></script>. OR

Try it now!

By MoeMoeSoft